Sunday, April 7, 2013

King of Pop

Readers, friends, enemies, aliens... Hello

Caught a special on the death of Mr. Michael Jackson, a legend indeed.  Jackson changed the face of pop culture as we know it today and it makes me ponder where pop music would be today without his talented influence.  No matter what controversial issues you might have with MJ, one cannot deny his dedication to making music something it had never been before.  Yes, there have been stories of his involvement with children and there is no excuse.  However, MJ missed out on his childhood from the time he was 5 he was sucked into the music world.  Therefore I cannot find him at fault for atttemtping to re-live that time, as long as there was no foul play.

In June of 2009, he was pronounced dead following an overdose of prescription medicine.  Following the verdict, his personal doctor was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for administering the drug in un-safe quantities. Again this leaves room for controversy and debate, any thoughts?

An idol, a hero, forever remembered as the KING of POP and thats a fact.

For now viewers, take a second, be thankful for what you have reflect on your life and love it, enjoy every minute you have.  Don't take it for granted, and most of all, Have fun.. For now, check out this scientist and what he has to say, mind blowing indeed.

Hasta Luego!

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